Presently about four cows and four calves are there. We seek funds for maintaining the goshala which costs around minimum of Rs. 300/- per day.
Nitya Kattalai
We require about Rs. 1000/- per day for day to day pooja (Nitya Kattalai) which includes, pushpam, rice, oil, electricity charges, maid servant salary (Rs. 2000/- p.m.) etc. Archana prasadam will be sent to Ubayadars by post.
Thirumanjanam for Utsavars
For Thirumanjanam for utsavars we charge Rs.1500/-. This thirumanjanam is on the occasion of the birth dates/wedding date or any special occasions at Ubayadars’ choice. Thirumanjanam and arrchana are performed on that day and prasadam is sent by post or if come in person, it is distributed.
For sevas, the tentative cost of each function is around Rs. 50,000/- including, garlands, prasadam distribution for sevarthees, generator, veedhi purappadu, lightings, pandal, nadaswaram, cook etc. etc. We seek Ubadayars for each function mentioned above.
We seek Ubayadars for Nityakattalai as well as for sevas
We have to construct a compound wall around the temple about 11′ height for safety and to avoid encroachments in future. We have to construct a Mantapam in the available premises and also a room to keep the temple utensils, materials,vahanas, cup boards, etc. etc. Also to make a garuda vahanam and sesha vahanam for our temple.
We invite donors for the above items.
You can contact either Sri R. Sridhar Battachar on his mobile +91 98426 19900 at the village temple or Sri A. Kannan at Chennai on his mobile +91 91760 72181 or email id: athurkannan@gmail.com.